Oh Wow!!! Abba's knows your testimony has encouraged my soul. Thank you for sharing. YAH's ruach will and has been guiding each venture for Messiah's glory. There were sho nuff times when I said "But Abba you told me to do this, now I'm feeling led to do this too... soooo??? What's up???!!! 👀 " I usually get the feedback to work on one thing at a time, which i completely understand. Even with that suggestion, I recognize that the Most High is multifaceted, so it makes perfect sense why you, I, or any of his children would be "multi-passionate" as you put it, sister. Each gift or talent is yet another platform, vehicle, or channel to connect souls to the gospel of Messiah. I count it an honor! I find Proverbs 15:22 a helpful meditation whenever I'm feeling a tad overwhelmed. Congratulations on finding your flow 💪🏽
Oh Wow!!! Abba's knows your testimony has encouraged my soul. Thank you for sharing. YAH's ruach will and has been guiding each venture for Messiah's glory. There were sho nuff times when I said "But Abba you told me to do this, now I'm feeling led to do this too... soooo??? What's up???!!! 👀 " I usually get the feedback to work on one thing at a time, which i completely understand. Even with that suggestion, I recognize that the Most High is multifaceted, so it makes perfect sense why you, I, or any of his children would be "multi-passionate" as you put it, sister. Each gift or talent is yet another platform, vehicle, or channel to connect souls to the gospel of Messiah. I count it an honor! I find Proverbs 15:22 a helpful meditation whenever I'm feeling a tad overwhelmed. Congratulations on finding your flow 💪🏽
😊 I appreciate your words, they are encouraging, insightful and you just “get it” - Thanks for the reminder scripture as well, Dominique 💯