
Discover Your Spiritual Gifts (Assessment inside…)

01 Find out what your spiritual gifts are plus see my personal results!

After watching the video, you’re probably eager 😊 to find out what your spiritual gifts are.

Understanding your gifts and how to best operate in them will bring clarity and fulfillment on your spiritual journey.

Below you will find two different test versions you can take (one short, one long) to get a good idea on what your spiritual gifts are. I encourage you to take both.

📝 Short version of the test:


Spiritual Gifts Inventory+short
17.2KB ∙ PDF file

(Requires you tally up your own for results)

📝 Longer version of the test:
(Requires email account registration)

*Keep in mind these are from “Christian” sites but are basing their tests primarily on I Corinthians 12 and Romans chapter 12. The longer version of the test will have questions like “How eager are you to share "J****” with the lost?” so just simply read it to mean “How eager are you to share the truth with others, Yahusha, the Messiah etc”

✍️ I took both tests so you could see an example of each.

The short test results showed 4 gifts being all tied as my primary, lol. “
1. D = Exhortation (to strongly encourage)
2. G = Serving
3. E = Mercy
4. F = Prophecy

Actual look at the Short (Quick) Test:

Here are my results from the long test which ranked my top 4 spiritual gifts as:
1. Prophecy
2. Discernment
3. Wisdom

4. Exhortation

Don’t get confused if you have different results. There are various gifts listed in Romans 12 and I Corinthians 12 so test results may vary.

Another thing to note is we typically operate in several gifts of the spirit at different times and seasons in our walk with Yah.

I would take your top 4 gifts and over the course of the next 3 months, keep a journal of what you experience and which gifts you notice are being used more.

There’s a lot to unpack on this journey of FAITH!

Keep your head up and shoulders back!

⭐️ Have an awesome day!

Share below which test you took, one or both and what your results were!