Shalom family,
Just trying to WRAP MY HEAD around this...
✔️ I am not against the order of Man~Woman~Child.
✔️ I am not against coming together to fellowship, worship and learn the scriptures with other like-minded believers.
✔️ I am not against the practice of wearing cultural garments.
❌ I am simply against humans (knowingly or unknowingly) adding heavy weights to a yoke so easy and a burden so light.
Let’s allow the lost to find Yah and the message of His Son without the barrier of FIRST having the "proper" “external” or “material” displays as an entry point to salvation.
I Samuel 16:8 describes and outlines how The Father clearly sees NOT as man sees, not impressed with mere appearance rather looking at one's heart.
***There's absolutely nothing wrong with wearing garments, fringes, head wraps or dresses, however when judgment for these "outer professions" stand as prerequisites or stumbling blocks to drawing one closer to The Father, that's when it becomes problematic.
Have you ever been given an ultimatum before you could simply fellowship or learn more about The Father and His Son? Share your experience in the comments ⬇️