Have you ever been caught up in a creative whirlwind? Most Musicians, Artist’s and various other types of Creatives typically have these seasons in common.
To best explain… it’s when you’re extremely driven and highly inspired to use your gifts and talents. You begin pumping out creative content like a machine on auto pilot. You’re in a ZONE and can do a week’s work in two days. Okay, maybe I’m telling on myself, but you get my drift. There are great advantages when this flurry happens - you get to share and help people at a high clip, but the downside is BURNOUT and frustration.
Why frustration?
You have high expectations for the work you’re producing and since great things take time to build and establish… the process of growth can become much slower than the rate at which you’re creating.
Does this mean don’t create as much?
Creating for me is like breathing.
I’ve gone through this much of my life and even wondered if I needed professional help to sort out the myriad of creative ideas that would take over my brain and keep me up at night. Then I was reminded by nature, that I too (you as well) have a tiny piece of the Creator’s brilliance and ability to LIMITLESS creativity - and it must be used managed.
Think about how the Most High has made countless types of animals, foods for us to eat, nature landscapes for us to see and the gift of life to enjoy. The list of His marvelous works are endless and too numerous to count. Yah is PERFECT therefore He creates in perfect balance and harmony.
Honestly, this is an area of my life that I’m working on - Creative Balance. It takes discipline to positively approach creating with purpose. I’m much better now than I use to be (Praise Yah) but I still have a way to go. I’m not down about it at all. In fact, I think pausing for a moment to ponder on these types of things are super important. I can just tell I’m caught up in one of those good ol’ fashion creative whirlwinds (again) where I’m doing too much and need to address it.
So, I’m reaching out to my Royal fam for a little help. Would you look at the list below and let me know what you’re most inspired by and what’s most helpful to you? This will help a great deal as I go in prayer and fast about what to potentially keep on my plate and what to place on the back burner.
Thank you!
What are you most inspired by? (Pick your top 3 MAX)
A. This Exclusive Newsletter
B. Daily Music Streams (YouTube)
C. Continuing the Spiritual Gifts Video Series
D. Releasing New Rap Album “Mind Flight”
E. Releasing Lyrics & Stories Behind The Most High Album (eBook)
F. Thankful Thursdays
G. Something else (share in comments)
Shalom Sis! My top "3" are C, D, G
G) I would like once a month an open Q & .A. We are on our individual journeys and it would be nice to have a safe space to ask questions regarding spiritual growth or deeper biblical understanding on a topic 🙏🏽💕
Its A B E for me. Although I enjoy all your work!