Shalom beautiful people of Yah!
I know how tough it can be to keep your head up and shoulders back and that’s why I’m always reminding you to do just that!
One of my dear sisters J-Dub gave me this chapter to read when I was faced with a major challenge recently. I had to read the chapter a few times to really let it set in that it was YAH who said He would fight the battle - not me.
Give the pain, the challenge, the fear over to YAH and allow Him to do what only He can do.
You can relieve stress by simply letting Him do all the fighting.
Yah said “Do not be afraid! Do not be discouraged! Stand back and watch ME!”
You’ll notice in the passage; He tells His people to position themselves.
You’ll also notice they praised, fell down and worshipped, lifting their voices.
The best part of the story in my opinion is the people walked away with more spoil / riches than they knew what to do with!
When The Most High fights your enemies / your battles - HE is undefeated so you don’t have to worry about the outcome. He not only brings you out, but does it in a MAJOR way! A true rewarder to those who seek Him!
Praise praise praise Abba! Lol! I get so overjoyed how The Most High works in all of our lives.
HalleluYah! I don't know why but TMH never ceases to amazes me! I was praying talking to TMH driving from the store with my 11 year old grandson who faces some challenges with being on the spectrum of autism. When I was done he asked if I was praying and asked if I thought He would help him face his fears of big dogs. He's very funny and witty. So we prayed for him. I am going to read him this scripture passage and what you wrote as well. This is yet another reminder of Him telling me He alone is in control of all. Todah for sharing this platform and your worship. I really love it. ❤ 😘