Hey family,
I hope you are doing well 💞
I’m healing up nicely from the dental procedure and enjoying the time with mom.
Thanks for your prayers 🙏🏽
Did you happen to read my YouTube post about opening up to the possibilities of love? If not, I’ll post it here.
So many years went by and my heart was mending, healing, preparing. Praise Yah for the transformational work only HE can do. I can proudly say, I am HOPEFUL about love again.
I don’t know if Yah has someone for me in this life but one thing I do know for sure is that wounds take time to heal.
As life continues to bless us all with each day, you realize you’re able to travel past the fear. Open to trust again, to share your life with the right person. You’re not afraid to dream of someone GOOD loving you and treating you right.
The love flame is being rekindled and my mom actually gave what I thought was a good idea in order to make myself more available for my King to find his good thing.
I’m anticipating this up-and-coming year to present more traveling and event opportunities. In the meantime, I set up a page online outlining my “Desires” and “Non-negotiables” along with a series of questions to get to know “interested parties” better and see if there’s enough spark to go to the next step (which would be facetime / zoom convo).
Here’s the page, (still making tweaks) tell me what you think and feel free to even answer the questions so you can simulate what someone would be seeing. There’s 24 total containing a mix of general, spiritual, personal and romantic.
Sharing my heart with you so you can be in prayer with me. Maybe this interesting concept will even stir up hope in other areas of your life, too. To step out, go for it and put all trust in Yah to lead the way. Talk soon sweet family.
Love you guys,
Shalom for now…
Sis, I love this concept! Yah blesses a diligent heart and you have made known to Him and the community, your heart's desires. Please hit me up, if you want any "Insider Info" , as I have been married now for nearly 25 years and with the same man for 27 years. You made me laugh with the last one: "Can change a flat tire". I know that's right! A man that can get in the trenches if he has to! HalleluYah! Keeping your hopes and desires in prayer sis. Yah's will is always perfect.